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Generate KML (BikePed/BikePed_Plan2021)

    Point Projects(0)
    Selected Projects(1)
    All Projects(2)
    Buffer Analysis(3)
      Half Mile Buffer - Selected Bicycle and Pedestiran Plan Projects(4)
      TAZ - Half Mile Buffer(5)
      Two Mile Buffer - Selected Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Projects(6)
      TAZ - 2 Mile Buffer(7)
    TAFA - Transit Access Focus Areas (8)
      TAFA - Transit Access Focus Areas Stations(9)
      TAFA - Bus-Only Transit Centers(10)
      TAFA -Transit Access Focus Areas Walksheds(11)
      TAFA - Bus-Only Transit Centers Walksheds(12)
    High Capacity Transit (HCT)(13)
      High Capacity Transit (HCT) Stations(14)
      High Capacity Transit (HCT) Walksheds(15)
    Equity Emphasis Area (EEA)(16)
    COG Activity Centers(17)
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