| Accessibility for People with Disabilities & Older Adults |
| Bike/Ped Access to Transit |
| Bike/Ped Connectivity & Safety |
| Bus Stops/ BRT Stations |
| Complete Streets Policies |
| Corridor Planning - Multimodal |
| Corridor Safety Improvements |
| Freight |
| Green Infrastructure/ Low-Impact Development |
| Housing |
| Local Roadway Safety Planning (jurisdiction-wide) |
| Microtransit |
| Parking |
| Public Space |
| Safe Routes to School |
| Safety Education |
| Safety Guidelines & Standards |
| Small Area Transportation Planning |
| Streetscape |
| TDM (Transportation Demand Management) |
| TOD Analysis (Transit-Oriented Development) |
| Trail/Path Planning |
| Transit Planning: Systems, Service, Feasibility |
| Travel Monitoring |
| Zoning & Development Review |
| Accessibility for People with Disabilities & Older Adults |
| Bike/Ped Access to Transit |
| Bike/Ped Connectivity & Safety |
| Bus Stops/ BRT Stations |
| Complete Streets Policies |
| Corridor Planning - Multimodal |
| Freight |
| Green Infrastructure/ Low-Impact Development |
| Housing |
| Microtransit |
| Parking |
| Public Space |
| Safe Routes to School |
| Small Area Transportation Planning |
| Streetscape |
| TDM (Transportation Demand Management) |
| TOD Analysis (Transit-Oriented Development) |
| Trail/Path Planning |
| Transit Planning: Systems, Service, Feasibility |
| Travel Monitoring |
| Zoning & Development Review |